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Media Analytics 101

About Course

Media Analytics 101: An Introduction within Global Pharma Media

Discussions of media analytics should be omnipresent throughout every campaign, as mastery of this critical area at all stages of crafting a media campaign is pivotal for success.

As Rebecca Lieb remarked, “There is no content strategy without measurement strategy.”

This course dives into the fundamentals of media analytics and its application towards data-driven decision-making. By emphasizing practical skills and strategic insights, participants will learn how to measure and interpret media performance to effectively optimize their media campaigns.


What Will You Learn?

  • Essential Media Metrics: Understand the key metrics used in media analysis
  • Analytical Tools and Techniques: Gain familiarity with popular tools and software for media analytics
  • Data Interpretation: Learn to draw meaningful insights from media data to inform strategy
  • Reporting: Develop skills in creating effective reports and visualizations that communicate findings clearly

Course Content

Understanding Media Metrics
Introduction to the basic metrics used in media analytics, their importance, and contexts in which they are applied

Analytical Tools and Techniques
Overview of the software and tools used for media tracking and analysis, with practical demonstrations

From Data to Decisions
How to interpret media data effectively and make informed strategic decisions