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An Introduction to Pharma Media for Non-Media Professionals

About Course

An Introduction to Pharma Media for Non-Media Professionals: Empowering Pharma Marketers with Essential Media Knowledge

There is a common expectation for those managing media budgets within pharma companies to deeply understand media and its possibilities.

However, many pharma marketers transition from sales or commercial roles into marketing positions, overseeing significant media budgets without prior experience in media strategies.

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to media within the pharmaceutical industry, aimed at bridging this knowledge gap. It empowers global marketers to manage and optimize media spending to achieve their marketing goals.

This foundational course is the first in a solli series designed to elevate pharma marketers from novices to media experts.

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What Will You Learn?

  • Media Fundamentals: Acquire a solid understanding of basic media concepts, terms, and strategies
  • Media Types and Uses: Learn about the different types of media—Owned, Earned, Shared, and Paid—and their specific applications in pharma marketing
  • Implementing Media Strategies: Gain insights into the basics of media planning, strategy development, and execution
  • Integrating Media in Marketing: Understand how to effectively incorporate media strategies into the broader pharma marketing ecosystem to enhance overall campaign effectiveness

Course Content

Introduction to Foundations of Paid Media
Learn the essential terminology and basic concepts of paid media, setting a strong foundation for further exploration into media types and strategies

  • What is Media?
  • Test your knowledge
  • What is media – part 2

Different Types of Media
Delve into the characteristics and strategic uses of Owned, Earned, Shared, and Paid media, with an emphasis on how each can be leveraged within the pharmaceutical industry

Basic Media Best Practices
Explore the fundamental processes involved in media strategy, planning, and execution, designed to equip you with the tools necessary for effective media campaign management

Media’s Role Within the Pharma Marketing Ecosystem
Understand the critical role of media in the pharma marketing ecosystem and how strategic media integration can significantly enhance marketing efforts and outcomes